Back to School Dance Activities Part 1

Dance Game for Memory This is a dance memory game that can be focused on the Dance Elements. The movements you choose to use and how many movements for each phrase will depend on the age and level of your
Read moreThis reflective exploration is a mindfulness activity that helps older students to explore their natural environment. It is both a cooldown and could be used as a part of a reflective activity.
Read moreInitiate Dance, Play & Improvisation Pass The Parcel needs preparation wrapping the parcel, but it engages the class in unplanned movement. This is particularly useful with a new class at the start of the year.
Read moreDance Game for Body Bases and Shapes (Space) In the dance version of Stuck in the Mud, the shape the children make is determined by which quadrant they are in. This starts them using their bodies in different ways and
Read moreDance Game for Choreographic Warmup This game is a good one to warmup for doing group choreographic activities where they are encouraged to connect physically with each other. Alphabet Soup makes them think quickly so that they are not focused
Read moreDance Game for Meet & Part Activities Meet me in the middle can be as simple or as complex as your class can handle. This game is a fun way to introduce social and cultural progressive style dances.
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